Personal Data Protection Policy

Disclosure Text Within the Scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data
Moon Rent Turizm San ve Tic. Ltd. Şti (Hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or “İzmir Car Rentals”), hereby informs you that we process your personal data as a data controller within the scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (Hereinafter referred to as “KVKK”) and other relevant legislation.
Your personal data is processed by the Company for the purposes and legal reasons specified below, but not limited to these. As follows;
• It is processed for the purposes of carrying out rental offer/sale processes, verifying identity, making payment transactions, preventing abuse, determining solvency, determining suitable vehicles for the customer, sending commercial electronic messages, carrying out marketing processes, carrying out delivery and return transactions, evaluating requests and complaints, providing after-sales support services, especially damage recourse processes, and carrying out insurance processes if necessary,
• Carrying out the necessary work by our relevant business units to carry out the commercial activities carried out by the Company and carrying out the related business processes,
• Carrying out the necessary work by our business units to make the relevant people benefit from the products and services offered by the Company and carrying out the related business processes,
• Planning and executing the activities required to customize the products and services offered by the Company according to the tastes, usage habits and needs of the relevant people and to recommend and introduce them to the relevant people,
• It is processed for the purposes of ensuring the legal, technical and commercial-occupational security of the Company and the relevant people who have a business relationship with the Company.
Your personal data will be stored for the maximum period specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed, and in any case, for the duration of the legal limitation periods.

Your personal data to be obtained within the scope of the service provided by our company will be obtained verbally, in writing or electronically, through offices, branches, call centers, websites, social media channels, mobile applications, agencies, written/digital applications made to direct sales teams and similar means, based on the legal reasons regulated in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK, and will be stored in electronic and/or physical environments, with automatic or non-automatic methods.

Your personal data that you have transferred to the Company or obtained by the Company may be shared with Business Partners, Suppliers, Shareholders, Natural Persons or Legally Authorized Private Law Legal Entities, Legally Authorized Public Institutions and Organizations, Company Board Members, Group Companies, Affiliates and Subsidiaries, with your explicit consent or within the framework of legal exceptions and obligations, for the relevant main purposes specified in paragraph (b) of this text and the sub-purposes specified in Article 5 of the “İzmir Car Rentals” Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy on the İzmir Car Rentals website ( and within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Article 8 of the KVKK regarding the transfer of personal data. • YOUR RIGHTS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 11 OF THE LPPD
As per Article 11 of the LPPD, provided that you prove your identity and all relevant exceptions, especially the cases stipulated in Article 28 of the LPPD titled “Exceptions”, are reserved, you may apply to the data controller regarding your personal data; • To learn whether the Company processes personal data about you,

• If so, to request information about this,

• To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,

• To learn whether your personal data is transferred domestically or abroad and, if so, to whom they are transferred,
• To request correction of your personal data if it is processed incorrectly or incompletely,

• To request deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK,
• To request notification of the transactions carried out pursuant to clauses (e) and (f) to third parties to whom your personal data is transferred,
• To object to the emergence of a result against you by exclusively analyzing your processed personal data through automated systems,
• To request compensation for damages in the event that you suffer damages due to the unlawful processing of your personal data.

You have the right to finalize your requests in your application as soon as possible, depending on the nature of the request, and in any case within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, free of charge. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost for the Company, the fee determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged. In matters related to the processing of your personal data, you must fill out the application form on the Company's website ( and submit it to our company as specified in the form.

With this approval, you hereby consent that your personal data that you will provide to our Company will be processed within the scope of the information specified above and transferred to third parties in the country or abroad, except for the processing and transfer of your Personal Data to the extent required by law for the performance of the contract.

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